a new blog! how exciting! my thoughts about band men are no longer confined to tumblr dot hell!

whats the point in this? there isn't one really. i'm having fun coding making a website. doing this has been one of the most rewarding things i've ever done, like i might be kind of bad at coding right now but i have spent hours looking up how to make things for my silly website the past few days. and its one of those things where your progress is really noticeable? its a lot of fun!!!!

also, i'm hoping a content based blog will get me back into writing more longform stuff, since most of what i'm writing right now (outside of the occasional short fic) is 3 sentence tumblr posts. i don't really find myself with much to say outside of those 3 sentence tumblr posts to be honest, but who knows maybe i'll gain a passion for prose here or some shit.

what am i up to right now anyway. i got a call about a job interview today, so maybe (HOPEFULLY) i will have cash for the fall out boy concert. however it is a job working at the bingo which is insanely fucking funny to me because i am the last person you'd expect to work at the bingo. i'm also working on my decaydance merch archive which is a bit of a bastard because the wayback machine did not archive the cobra starship website very well. if you're interested in helping with that, by the way, do not hesitate to message me on tumblr (falloutgirlboy) or discord (wentzporta) <-- i really couldn't help myself with that name lmfao

okay i think thats all for now! until next time!

-red xo